Pages, Pictures, Quotes Oh My!


After designing tons of pages to represent this school year from scratch, the 2019-2020 school year was completed! The unfortunate circumstances that ended this year early never deterred the yearbook staff who worked tirelessly to make this book the best that it can be. I am really proud of all the members for putting so much effort into each of the pages they have created.

I would recommend joining the yearbook staff if you like talking to people in all grades, taking pictures, designing your own thing, and if you want to create friendships with people that you didn’t think you would. Also, when you talk to the teachers and the students, you tend to find something interesting about them.

I had the privilege of being a photographer and a designer on the yearbook staff; two things that I love to do. I had a really fun time and I always looked forward to going to that class because it was filled with laughs and great memories. I was able to grow closer with everyone on the team and even Mrs. Gunderson. Each one of them are beautiful people who I have grown to love. They each made the stress so much more bearable. Everyone was down to help with whatever and whoever needed it whenever they were free. Overall, I am so happy that I was able to join the yearbook staff. While working on the new book together, we were able to have so many great memories. We were all hard working but were still able to have a ton of fun! I’m going to miss being in that class with them all!