Big Events, Full of Memories

The seniors have many exciting events within the next month. Prom was on April 30, where seniors, juniors, and a few underclassmen can party up all night with dancing and eating food at the Renaissance Hotel in Glendale. May 6 is the senior sunrise at Surprise Park at 5:15-7:15 a.m. Many foods and drinks will be provided as the seniors can hang out and watch the sunrise. May 18 is the senior breakfast catered to Imagine Prep at 9 a.m. for the seniors to hang out and eat all kinds of breakfast foods together at the school. May 20 is when the seniors travel to Top Golf and play golf with their friends all day during the school day. On May 24, the seniors will travel to Imagine Rosefield and walk throughout the school in their graduation wear. This is very important to many seniors because many Prep students attended Imagine Rosefield, Imagine Prep’s ‘sister’ school for elementary school students. May 24 is also the graduation practice at Imagine Prep. Seniors will get the chance to practice how they will walk on their graduation day. May 25 is the actual graduation day, where many tears will be shed from the graduates, friends, and family as the graduates take on their next big step in life. 

Being a senior may be the happiest yet scariest part of your life. When you realize you will be leaving the life you have built up since elementary school. The seniors at Imagine Prep have many opportunities to spend time with one another and get the closure that will soon be needed.

Samuel Cabral, a senior at Imagine Prep, shared his views on the upcoming senior events.

“Many events are coming up soon, which I’m looking forward to,” Cabral said. “I’m mostly looking forward to prom because they will have a lot of food, and I will be driving my nice truck there. I’m planning on hanging out with Dawson, Julian, and Elijah.”

The prom will include a lot of food, good music, bright lights, and the announcement of the winners for prom court. Many students at the school are looking forward to prom to have a good time and for seniors to party together one last time.

“I’m mostly sad for the school year ending because I’m not ready for college yet,” Cabral said. “I will miss many of my friends and the staff here at the Prep. I will be going to college out of state, so I will feel homesick and miss the people here at Imagine Prep.”

Cabral stated that he would miss a lot of the staff here at Prep because he has made many connections with the staff at the school.

“At the senior events, I plan to eat a lot of food, take photos, and hang out with friends,” Cabral said. “I’m going to try to attend all of the events because I don’t want to miss out on anything for my last year.”

Cabral stated that he’s least looking forward to the senior sunrise because he will have to wake up very early. He’s sure that it’ll be fun; he mostly likes to sleep in on days off.

“For future seniors, I recommend you get your work done because this is the only chance that you will get to make up all the work. Try getting as much work done with college and high school classes in the first quarter because it will be easier for the rest of the year,” Cabral said.

Dawson Cowan, a senior at Imagine Prep, introduced his views about the old events.

“I’m mostly looking forward to prom because I will be getting food with Julien before and after the event,” Cowan said. “I am also excited to be hanging out with my friends at prom; I’m sure that we will have a lot of fun.”

Cowan plans to hang out with his friends and eat a lot of food at prom. He mostly wants it to be a fun and eventful night, indeed an event to remember.

“I’m excited to be graduating this year because I mostly want to move on with my life. I feel like I’ve been stuck here at the school for a long time now and can’t wait to move on,” Cowan said.

Cowan stated that he would play ‘Super Smash Bros’ on Nintendo during most events and hang out with friends. 

“I’m not looking forward to the senior sunrise because it is very early,” Cowan said. “I’m not a morning person, so I will struggle to wake up so early, but I’m sure it will be fun.

Cowan is planning on attending all the future senior events, at least going to try to.

“I truly recommend not procrastinating for future seniors when getting your work done; I always procrastinated and now regret it,” Cowan said. “If you procrastinate, you will be in ‘debt’ of schoolwork, and it’s just not worth it.”

Senior Kaelyn Gehrke shared her views about the upcoming senior events.

“I am mostly looking forward to graduation because that is the moment that everyone has been waiting for since elementary school,” Gehrke said. “I’m planning to hang out with my friends and family; I can’t wait,”

Gehrke said that she was happy but also nervous. She’s happy because she will not have to attend this school every day anymore, but nervous because she’s not very sure what she will do after high school and where to go from there.

“I’m planning on attending all of the events because it’s my last school year, so I want to be included in everything,” Gehrke said. “I’m looking forward to all the events! I’m just not looking forward to the Cambridge testing on the same day as the senior sunrise.”

Gehrke plans on taking many photos and hanging out with her friends at all the senior events.

“For future seniors, you just need to try as hard as possible,” Gehrke said. “Try to turn everything in and take as many notes as you can; it’ll all be worth it.”

The seniors this year have many opportunities to bond before they graduate. There had been difficult times for this year’s seniors as this is the first full school year since Covid from 2020. As the school year ends, the pressure is on, but the seniors will make it a fun time at the senior events they plan to attend!