The Last Hoorah

In just one month the seniors of 2023 are coming to the end of their last year of high school. At Imagine Prep Surprise, senior events are planned to celebrate these students moving on to the next step of adulthood and give fond memories to look back on.

The head of all senior events is Alexa Pupo, government and econ teacher for the senior class. She has published the events that are soon to come, being: senior sunrise, senior breakfast, and senior field trip. Some other events that tend to be a big milestone for seniors are their last school dance, homecoming, and prom. The biggest event for seniors of them all, is graduation.

The first event coming up soon is senior sunrise, Pupo shared those details.

“Senior sunrise will be taken place Friday, April 28 from 5:30 to 7:15 a.m. at the Surprise Community Park,” Pupo said. “Breakfast and snacks will be given out to students and everyone will just hang out and watch the sunrise together all in the same place, which doesn’t happen often for the senior class.”

All the other senior events are to be determined on the exact time, but they are set in stone for the dates. Senior breakfast will be on May 17 on campus, the field trip will be on May, 22 at Castle’s and Coasters, and lastly, graduation will be on May 24.

Senior Kenneth Tran notes that senior events make the final year of high school something to look forward to and that as a middle schooler he always noticed these traditions and wanted to participate. 

“I remember one year seniors were doing senior breakfast and I wanted to get food so badly,” Tran said. “This year I get to participate and it’s kind of nostalgic even though I’ve never done this before.”

Tran said there are plenty of events he’s skipped out on this year that most people feel they need to participate in for their senior year.

“I feel as though I might regret it but as long as I make the most out of my last year, events within the school or outside, I’ll still look fondly back on my senior year,” Tran said. “The senior events give underclassmen something to look forward to and for graduates to look back on. I think it’s a good idea that they get something special planned for them.”