Freshman Year Recap and Tips for Incoming Freshmen


As the year is coming to an end I’ve learned many things as a freshman. This year was very different compared to other years in the past for me. I learned a lot more about myself and more  academic wise. Although it was the same schedule I’m used to; changing classes, learning more about the same subjects it was still different. I’ve gained and lost a lot of friends this year, and met some amazing teachers. Let’s take a look at the highlights of my freshman year, and why I’m excited for sophomore year. 

Freshman year was decently chill compared to other years, there wasn’t nearly as much state testing compared to last year. I had some amazing teachers who will stick with me throughout my high school years and will most likely continue to visit while here. I was given better opportunities for college like the Cambridge Exam, which I highly recommend taking your freshman year. My favorite part of the year would definitely be in the beginning because of homecoming, football games and overall people seem to be happier towards the beginning of the year. 

For incoming freshmen, my main piece of advice is to just be yourself and pace yourself when doing your assignments. Throughout freshman year I struggled with procrastinating on assignments, or stressing myself out by trying to complete them much quicker than needed to. Try not to stress too much, try to have as much fun as possible during football games or basketball games, homecoming, and more events like that. Football and basketball games were where I had the most fun with friends. 

In the end, don’t worry about asking for help from teachers; they just want to help you and going to office hours is a great way of getting the extra clarification you need. Overall don’t sweat your freshman year; try your best but don’t stress too much. Freshman year; along with the next high school years will fly by. Try to have fun, good luck freshmen!