Out with the old, in with the new gym floor

Out with the old, in with the new!

As most of you know the school recently put in new flooring in the gym, after having the old and cracked floors since 2008 the school finally decided it was time to replace the old flooring and start new and fresh. 

“The floor was so old and because the original builders may not have let the concrete cure long enough, the old floor kept bubbling up especially around the seems in the concrete,” Chris McComb, Principal at Imagine Prep stated. 

The state of the flooring was getting worse and worse as time went on.

For a few years, Coach Sachau worked hard to replace floor tiles in the bad areas, but over time, it was just too much and it was potentially becoming dangerous for our students and athletes to play on, so we decided it was time to replace it,” McComb said. 

(Taken from schools Instagram)

The new flooring is completely different from the last flooring that was placed. This new flooring has much better quality and even has a better look to it. 

 “The gym floor was installed with a “sub-floor” underneath the new court. This sub-floor is installed so the floor has some “bounce” to it which makes it easier on the athlete’s knees and ankles,” Sean Sachau, Athletic Director and Coach at Imagine Prep stated. 

If you remember what the floors looked like before you would know that there wasn’t any particular design, but now there is a design so the floors can be unique to our school!

“The installers gave us some options for design, but it really came down to Coach Sachau, Mr. Hattley, Mr. Polk, and I. We knew we wanted our logo at center court and really liked the idea of having the different shades too,” McComb said. 

“The design and quality are compared to Collegiate floors. The Louisville Cardinals have the same exact floor in their gym,” Sachau acknowledged. 

In order to replace the flooring, you need money, with the school knowing they wanted to replace these floors for a long time they were able to save up money along with the help of others to fund this project.

Mr. McComb, The golfer who donated, and Mr. Sachau

“Last November, during our annual Golf Scramble, we had a player make a hole-in-one on a contest hole. Because of this, he won $50,000 dollars in which he donated $30,000 back to the school,” McComb stated. “This was a huge help as we would not have been able to get this project done without that.”

Overall this project was much-needed and long-overdue in my opinion, and with the pandemic, it helped make this project come to life by not having any students at school. The new gym floor took about 8 weeks to complete but in the end, it will benefit so many students and will definitely make our school’s gymnasium look extra cool!