New year, New leaders, New student council,
The high school student council board meets together to discuss upcoming events and plans for meetings.
High school Student Council is a group of students elected by the student body to address issues of concern and organize student events and activities. Middle school student council is a little bit different. Middle school student council addresses issues of concern and they organize middle school events and activities but only the executive board is elected by the student body. Student council is essentially the people you can go to and follow as examples because they are leaders of middle school and high school.
High school student council has a major event coming up in the month of October. That event is homecoming and homecoming week. High school student council just elected all of their representatives and executive board members which means they are officially starting to work on homecoming and all of the activities that go into homecoming week.
One of the advisers for high school student council, Government and Economics teacher, Alexa Pupo, shared what high school student council’s mission statement for this year.
¨Student Council strives to accurately represent the student body and to make a healthy, comfortable environment where the student body is encouraged to engage in school culture and embrace school spirit,” Pupo said.
The High school student council executive board members this year are senior Angelica Pelaez as president, senior Daniela Estrada as vice president, sophomore Tanaeah Singh as historian, and sophomore Haley King as secretary.
Pupo described how the board members this year are doing and some of their responsibilities.
“Our board members are amazing! They meet outside of scheduled weekly meetings to ensure that things get accomplished on time, which is greatly appreciated,” Pupo said. “They work very hard to make sure events like Homecoming will be a lasting memory for the student body. They also lead our committees when we plan large events, like Homecoming.”
Middle school student council has a lot planned this year as well. In the month of October, middle school student council is making a float for the homecoming parade, and helping with Mix it Up Day. Middle school student council’s first big event is in the beginning of November, which is the first middle school dance and pep assembly. The middle school pep assembly will be hosted by middle school student council, the pep assembly will recognize fall athletes, student club organizations, cheer and dance will perform and there will be more games and activities.
Amy Boven, guidance counselor, and one of the middle school student council advisers, shared what she hopes student council will accomplish this year.
¨I think my goal for student council to work on building school spirit and developing leadership in our middle school,̈ Boven said.
Middle school just had their board elections and executive members were elected. The executive members are president and eighth grader, Sydney King, vice president and eighth grader, Damian Zuniga, treasurer and eighth grader, Hannah Nickerson, secretary and sixth grader, Heidi Oldewurtel, and historian and sixth grader, Sophia Parmelee.
Boven shared how much responsibility and trust her and Rachel Kelley, the other middle student council adviser, put into the board members of middle school student council.
¨They run all of the meetings, on off weeks they plan and meet as a board. Ms.Kelley and I are there to support but we really want them to run as much of it as they are comfortable running,¨ Boven said.
Both middle school and high school student council have a lot of fun activities and events planned for the student body this year, students of all grade levels have a lot to look forward to this year!