How to Stay Mentally Stable While We Continue Through the Crazy


Nobody expected this pandemic to last almost a year. We all hoped that maybe it would be over after a couple of months, then we would all transition back into normal and move on, claiming it was all a little fever dream that never made too much of an impact. But boy were we wrong. Quarantine and the COVID crisis still rages on, with very little improvement- as dark as that seems. So, how can we continue to push forward and keep our mental states stable enough in order to prevent ourselves from falling into the existential abyss? Well, I’ve got some tips for you that may be able to help you.

First and foremost, keep in mind that this is all temporary. This is not our new normal, and we will get out of this. We may come out of it a bit scarred, we may end up being different people than we used to be, but that doesn’t mean we won’t move past this. Have hope that, no matter what, we will get through this. Just keep fighting, and don’t lose faith. That’s my advice, at least, and so far, that notion has really helped me push through the bad days. You know, those days where it feels like no matter how hard you try, you’re not getting anywhere, and there’s nothing you can do about it? Yeah, having hope and keeping faith really helps your mind understand that everything we go through is never permanent, and if we learn from this experience, we will become better people for it.

Next tip, be kind to yourself. Not every bad thing that happens to you needs to be your fault. Bad things happen, and that’s okay. Accept that you will go through trials and tribulations, both in and out of your control. It’s okay to not be okay, you don’t always have to be strong in the face of negativity and strife.

“If we react to the additional anxiety that we may feel as a result of the risks associated with the Coronavirus by comparing ourselves to others who seem to be coping better or telling ourselves we are “weak” we may increase our anxiety and feelings of isolation,” a mental health website team based in Vermont,, says.  “Now is the time for self-compassion. Be as kind to yourself as you are to a precious loved one.” 

If you continue to compare yourself and your struggles to that of others, you invalidate your own feelings and emotions, which is far from healthy. Give yourself time to feel the emotions you experience, then learn from what happened, and continue to move forward. Do not let the anxiety you feel in the moment take over your entirety. It’s okay to feel things, but there’s a balance. You must not let it stop you from moving forward and learning from your experiences, or it will only hold you back and bring more difficulties.

Speaking of anxiety, here’s another tip: whether you are feeling stressed or anxious, take a step back, and reevaluate the situation from a logical perspective instead of an emotional one. As humans, we tend to get caught up in the emotions of a difficult situation, which later prohibits us from seeing the full picture. So, instead of jumping into the first reaction you can think of when you become anxious, take a step back, and reflect. What is causing you to feel this way? How will this impact you in the future? Is there a specific way you can clearly see that will help you get out of the situation? Will you need help from someone else in order to solve the issue? By reflecting on the situation and thinking about it from a logical perspective will help you understand what is really going on, and it can help you identify how to fix or improve the situation without panic. Furthermore, keeping a positive mindset can help you push through negative emotions, depending on the situation.

“It’s important to accept any feelings that come up and be gentle with yourself as you work through them,” wellness website, Valleywise Health, says. “Next time you find yourself overwhelmed with negative thoughts, you may find it helpful to reframe those thoughts from a positive perspective.” 

By looking at things from a more positive lense, it can help drive out negative emotions and help you see the situation in a different light. Seeing things in a positive perspective can really help ease your mind and help you relax in a stressful situation.

The next couple tips are pretty similar, so I’m just going to put them together: focus on self-care and maintain a routine. By taking care of yourself, your mind gets a break from all the chaos that is happening and it can renew itself so it’s better prepared for stressful situations. Make sure to get enough sleep- the recommended eight hours- each night and try your best to eat healthy. It can be difficult, since binge-eating is used as a coping mechanism for some, but by fueling your body properly it will be more prepared to tackle anything that comes its way, including illnesses. You should also try to keep up a steady routine. By doing so, your body will recognize when you need to get up in the morning, when you need to eat, and when you need to get work done, that way your schedule isn’t muddled and you barely remember what you did that day. Set alarms for yourself reminding you when you need to eat or get to sleep, or just for simple things like chores or work. It can really help you be more consistent and productive, as well as give some meaning to your day and provide motivation to continue with any of your current endeavors while we stay at home.

This final tip is a bit more narrowed down than the others, but I still find it important to mention. If you are a Believer, like myself, meaning you believe in Jesus Christ and actively do your best to build a relationship with Him, I find that doing devotionals and praying really make a difference when going through any difficult situation. I like to use the Bible App by Life.Church to complete devotionals each night. The app calls them Bible plans, but I like to refer to them as devotionals since I make it a mission to complete a day of a plan each night. I write down notes in a notebook, along with the Bible verse(s) provided each day, and let me tell you I have seen a huge difference between when I do them and when I don’t. I deal with anxiety on a frequent basis, and it can be difficult to find ways to cope with it, but once I started completing devotionals every night I have felt so much better about everything. I feel more motivated, I feel calmer, and ready to tackle the next day with a smile. I definitely suggest you try them out, because the difference is there, and it is an incredible feeling when your mind isn’t clouded with anxiety and stress. I also pray each day, usually before meals, and that also helps a great deal. I give my anxieties and stresses to God and let Him take control of everything. It’s like a weight being taken off of my shoulders, and it’s an amazing feeling. Communicating with Him and learning more about His Word can definitely assist you in finding ways to relax and push through these difficult times, so I definitely suggest trying it out. And if you aren’t a Believer, but want to consider trying it out, feel free to do so as well.

I hope at least one of these tips help you find a way to stay healthy mentally during this difficult experience, since your mental health is connected to everything else and vice versa. It’s important to stay healthy mentally now, so I encourage you to try out these tips and hopefully you will become better for it. Good luck, and stay safe!