New Year’s resolutions

Ever heard the classic saying New year; New me, well according to students and staff at Imagine Prep this isn’t exactly true.

It states that when the new year hits you will create these resolutions or goals to better you as a person, by either changing your lifestyle or by getting rid of negative in your life.   

But why wait for the new year to implement that change! We wanted to find out who at IPS makes resolutions and who sticks to them, and who likes to grow and make changes throughout the whole year.


Senior Nick Jeffery:

“Not really, because I’m pretty forgetful so I will just forget about it.”



Media teacher Mr. Ben Andree:

“I don’t really make them, this year I joined a gym because it was cheap…”



Eight grader Mariyah Hunt: 

“No, I don’t know.”



Tenth grader Maya Ortiz:

“Not really, because I usually plan goals year around so I don’t really feel the need to make another goal specifically for new years.”


Eight grader Damian Zuniga:

“Yeah, I want to gain at least 20 pounds.”



Eight grader Anthony Hernan:

“Yeah, no stay fit all the time for football.”



Ninth grader Brooklyn Spotanski:

“No, because it’s giving me an expectation of what I need to get done.”



Seventh grader Kaylyne Rice:

“Yes, try t get all A’s by the end of the year.”



Seventh grader Austin Huffman: 

“Yeah, mine is to be better at a sport”



Seventh grader Aeden Caliini:

“I guess, I didn’t make one this year.”



Ninth grader Theresa Jolly:

“Not really resolutions but I make goals; to end the school year with a 3.5 GPA or higher.”



Biology teacher Mrs. Sara Camren:

“No, because I never usually follow through with them also I can really make a change at any time.”



English teacher Ms. Emma Franco:

“Yes, it was to waste less plastic and also tended to close relationships. I think I’ve been stinking to them.”


Smart lab teacher Mr. James Mould:

“No, they’re cliche. Why wait till the new year to start something.”



High school guidance counselor Mrs. Amanda Mecca:

“No, I don’t have the attention span to do one. I pick a word for the year.”



Physical Education teacher Mr. Sean Sachau: 

“No, I try to accomplish goals all through the year.”



History teacher Mrs. Blair Valone:

“No, but I set goals through the year.”



Eleventh grader Josiah Gannon:

“Yes, I do the same one every year; To make a TikTok.”



Overall, not many people made new year’s resolutions, there is no point in new years resolutions when you can change things year-round. It’s more beneficial to try and implement change when you want to change it instead of waiting.