Halloween season with our favorite teachers:
Today, we will know more about the Halloween plans of the Imagine Prep Surprise teachers. Emma Franco, Michelle Baker, Alexa Pupo, and Megan Werner shared some of their favorite Halloween movies and costumes in here:
“Honestly, I love dressing up and hanging out with friends. I think Halloween is a great way to connect with people, too!,” Franco said. “When you dress up as your favorite character or something you really like, it’s always a conversation starter and then you can see if other people also enjoy the things that you do.”

While Werner enjoys the “spooky” sense of things in this season.
“I thoroughly enjoy the horror genre, and being scared in a safe way like going to haunted houses, and watching scary movies,” Werner said. “It gets me super excited!”
Pupo enjoys Halloween and going around the communities and saying hi to people who live in her area, while doing something fun.
“I usually spend time with my family, taking my son and his cousins around to trick-or-treat,” Pupo said.

At the same time, Franco said that she has a good friend that she has known since high school that always has a Halloween party, but she will stay this year in her new neighborhood. “This year is my first year in my new house and my new neighborhood has a lot of young kids, so I think I will stay home and pass out candy and meet my neighbors.”
Baker usually passes candy in her neighborhood too.
”I love seeing all the fun costumes kids come up with,” Baker said.
Also, she likes watching Halloween movies.
“My favorite Halloween/scary movie is Scream. I like all of the movies in the Scream series because I think they are thrilling and not too scary. I also really like Hocus Pocus because it reminds me of my childhood and spending time with my family,” Baker said.
Pupo agrees with Baker about Hocus Pocus as it is her favorite Halloween movie as well.
While Werner, prefers “psychedelic horror/thriller” movies, like Black Swan, Inception, and Us.
“I think The Conjuring is one of the best scary movies out there, so I’m thinking about adding that to my Halloween movie watch list this year,’’ Werner said.
One of Franco’s favorite costumes that she has seen is a family dressed up as the Guardians of Galaxy.
“The dad was Starlord, the mom was Gamora, and their small baby was dressed as Baby Groot, which I thought was really cute,” Franco said.
While Baker shared that she loves seeing kids dressed up as their favorite TV show or movie character, or dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up.