Is time for our seniors to shine
No matter the situation that we are facing at this time, it is still important to recognize and celebrate our seniors. This spotlight is dedicated to two very dedicated athletes Zachary Karnitz and Ammy Gamez.

Zachary, Zach for his friends, has been at Imagine Prep since he was in the sixth grade.
“What I love the most at Imagine are the people I will always remember all the memories that I have with them here,” Karnitz said.
He has been a member of the Storm football team his senior year and all we can say is that he absolutely killed it.
“I really enjoyed this year’s football season, and I had the chance to create more memories with my teammates, being a part of the team is a very good experience,” he said.
Since the COVID-19 situation some spring sports have been canceled, sports like the men’s volleyball team which Karnitz was a part of.
“I was really excited for the volleyball season because we haven’t had a men’s volleyball team for a while. I was a little bit disappointed and upset knowing I didn’t get to do it, but there’s nothing I could do about it.”
Along with all of the seniors in the class of 2020, Karnitz has made the big decision for how his future will turn out.
“My plan is to attend GCC and finish my prerequisites and then transfer to ASU to finish my major in either Engineering or Microbiology,” Karnitz said.
Every person at Imagine Prep can say that the staff is always ready to help and that influences the kids a lot during their high school years.
“A lot of people influenced me during the years but in particular Mr. Culver, Mr. Mould, and Mr. Sachau. They all taught me how to be a better man and person, I knew that I could talk to them any time and trust them,” Karnitz said.
During the years at Imagine Prep seniors created so many memories that they will keep with them for many years to come.
“One thing that I will miss the most are the moments spent playing dodgeball during gym, we always had so much fun,” he said. “This is not how I pictured my senior year’s end, The Corona virus affected all the world and us as well. But I’m really happy for how it went before all of this happened.”
This moment of the year is the one where all seniors realized that now a chapter of their life is closing and this can create some scary feelings.
“I’m a little sad that my high school years are over, but I’ll always remember them and I’m so excited to see what happens next,” Karnitz concluded.
Now is time for another athlete of the House of the Storm, Ammy Gamez.

Her Senior year is Gamez’s seventh year at Imagine Prep, she always has been so involved in the school events and showed participation and spirit qualities.
“My favorite moments at Imagine Prep are always connected to some school’s events,” Gamez said. “It’s just so much fun decorating the school for special occasions and having fun all together.”
Gamez has been part of the Imagine Prep cheer team for seven years, she even won this year the award for “longest cheerleader award of ever.”
“Cheer has been a big part of my school experience, I’ve been cheering through both middle and high school,” Gamez said. “It’s always gonna be a sweet memory for me, I love being part of the team, and I have to say that the last season was for sure my favorite.”
Since all these years spent in this school, all the experiences, all the connections it is difficult to find someone in particular that influenced this long trip.
“I am genuinely so grateful for everyone who poured into me and taught me lessons I will never forget,” she said.
High school is the time when you grow up and you learn the most important life lessons that are gonna help you in the real world.
“My senior year was not how I imagined it would be, but I wouldn’t change anything about it, it taught everything I needed to know and I’m so thankful for it,”Gamez said.
The COVID19 created panic on the population and made us do so many sacrifices, it was a situation no one was expecting.
“The Corona Virus was a culture shock for everyone around me, myself included,” she said. “But I also think that in some ways it was something that we needed: to appreciate life a little bit more.”
Plans after high school are very important to make and for some students as Gamez has never had a problem knowing what was gonna be her future.
“I have been taking part at West-Mec these past two years, in the medical field this helped me a lot to take my studies on another level,” she said, “Next year I’m very excited to start my new chapter at the University of Arizona, in neuroscience to accomplish my goal to become a phlebotomist.”
Leaving high school is a very big deal, we are creating so many memories and learning so many things and is always gonna be a part of our life that we are gonna remember.
“I’m gonna miss so much, the Nurd group who always kept me on my toes for the next thing they were going to takeover, destroy, or annex,” Gamez said. “I will always remember them in the best way.”