‘O Captain, My Captain!’
Senior Joe Burtrum is a great leader on the football team and was elected a team captain by his teammates and coaches.
The definition of a captain is classified as, a powerful or influential person in a particular field. Teaching students how to be leaders and how to work together is an essential part of being a student at Imagine Prep. Many students gain these skills by participating in sports.
Elected as varsity cheer captain by her coach, senior Julia Kupis considers her position as captain an honor.
“Being a captain means so much to me. It means that I am always there for every girl and boy on the team. I am the motivator,” Kupis said, “Whenever someone is frustrated or upset I’m there for them to tell them they can do it and to help them see the issue in different points of view.”
Being captain doesn’t just mean holding others to a high standard, but also holding yourself to a high standard.

Senior Julia Kupis was elected a co-captain for the varsity cheer team.
“I hold myself to a very high standard. That is mainly because of how I was raised. I am that person that the younger ones on the team look up to,” Kupis said, “I try to always be positive, maintain good grades, and stay out of drama so our younger girls have someone to look up to and to see how a true cheerleader should act.”
Even though everyone on the team is held to the same standard, being captain means you have to be there for your teammates.
“I am still held to the same standards as everyone else on the team. The only difference is that when the team needs leadership and needs someone to bring everyone together, I along with my co-captains are the people they turn to,” Kupis said.
Senior Joseph Burtrum, the varsity football captain, was selected as captain by his teammates. Burtrum believes that the way he acts is an important aspect of being captain.
“Being captain means showing the other people on your team a good example of how to act as a man,” Burtrum said.
On and off the field, Burtrum tries to model the way he believes his other teammates should act.

Senior Joe Burtrum is a great leader on the football team and was elected a team captain by his teammates and coaches.
“I treat others how I want to be treated and I represent myself as a captain,” Burtrum said.
Senior RoseMarie Feeley, was elected as varsity volleyball captain because of her continuous hard work and dedication. This season was Feeley’s second season being captain.
“I’m a role model to younger girls, they can look up to me and I’m there for them,” Feeley said.
Feeley holds herself at high standard so that her teammates will hopefully model that same type of attitude.
“Always tell the truth, always be there for my fellow teammates and just be an overall good person,” Feeley said.
The responsibility that is held for these students as captains is greater than the responsibility that is held for other players. They are viewed as role models not only by their coaches, but by their teammates as well. These three seniors have taken on leadership roles and do their best to insure that their teammates and our students have a great time.