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Homecoming took on a Disney theme this year.
“Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride
And greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight…” to homecoming week.
Homecoming is approaching and students are getting excited. Tickets are almost sold out and student council is getting ready. Located at Uptown Alley in Surprise, homecoming is set for Thursday, Oct. 5. The doors to the Approach, which is located by the bowling lanes in Uptown Alley, open at 7 p.m. and close at 11 p.m. Originally $40, the tickets will end at $55 with only 120 tickets available for sale. The price includes admission, food, bowling, music, and a game card. The food includes chicken nuggets, brownies, cookies and drinks.
The theme is Once Upon A Homecoming and student council member, Senior RoseMarie Feeley, explained why that was the chosen theme.
“The reason why it’s Once Upon A Homecoming, it’s a Disney theme, is because we realize our generation is Disney related in a way, and you can do so much with Disney,¨ Feeley said. ¨It’s so broad.”
The dance has been located at Uptown Alley for four years. Feeley explained it accommodates the size of the school.
“Well it’s because of our school, because of how small it is, so we thought that would be the best place to do it,” Feeley said. “We’ve been going there for years too, so you also have something fun to do as well. If we have it at the school, we would have to find different ways to entertain people and at Uptown Alley, you have laser tag, you have bowling, you have dancing, there’s a dance floor, there are games.”
With homecoming, comes royalty. Feeley explained the process of how the nominees are chosen by the school students. The high school students vote for the royalty nominees, who are announced on Oct. 2. The court will be announced on Friday, Oct 6 at halftime at the homecoming football game.
The junior princess nominees are: Mackenzie Milette and Annabelle Daigle. The prince nominees are: Elisei Alexandru and Noah Lugo. The senior queen nominees are: Autumn Froitland and Alicia Vozza. The king nominees are: Abel Alexandru and Ahmed Hasan.
“Kids can sign up their name or other people can nominate them and then we do a voting process, pretty much the population of the high school votes on who they want and they take the top two girls for princess and top two girls for queen and also for prince and king, and after that we do the voting process there too..”
On Friday, Oct. 6, the high school will be in activities all day long, leading to the big football game. First is the assembly from first to third hour. Expect games, a cheer routine, and other fun and entertaining events. Beginning fifth hour, there will be a parade around the school. The different clubs, sports, and grades are all making floats centered around Disney.
Fellow student council member, Senior Layna Rubio, said that homecoming is going to be great for the students who go.
“Students should go because they would have an amazing time,” Rubio said. “I know the homecoming committee are working really hard and making sure everything is perfect for the students. I also think it would a great experience for everyone to have.”
The week leading to the homecoming dance and game the students are allowed to dress down in fun, crazy outfits that fit with the theme student council made for each day.
Spirit Week:
Dreams Come True Monday
- Get ready for a day at your dream career or goal
Toontown Tuesday
- Dress as your favorite animated Disney character
Great and Powerful Wednesday
- Put on your Marvel or Star Wars alter ego
Throwback Disney Thursday
- Throw it back to the old days of original Disney
Mickey Mouse Friday
- Deck out in your class color:
- Seniors: Black
- Junior: Red
- Sophomores: White
- Freshman: Yellow
- 8th Grade: Navy Blue
- 7th Grade: Royal Blue
- 6th Grade: Light Blue