Spreading The Love: Gifts
December 16, 2021
It’s that time of year when we begin Christmas shopping for our loved ones. For those closest to us, we wish we just had a bigger budget to spend on a gift for them.
According to Capitol Counselor, despite the pandemic there was an increase in holiday sales by 8.3 percent. People have been spending more money on their loved ones now more than in the past few years, and it’s due to our desire to give them something more extraordinary.
A few people from our school were asked who they would give an expensive gift to if they could.
“I would choose my mom, because she is into expensive designer items that I cannot afford,” Maya Ortiz, a senior in high school said.
Michele Pelletier, a high school English teacher, also chose her mother.
“She has worked hard all my life to make sure I have everything I need, and has loved and supported me in everything I’ve done,” Pelletier said.
“Maya is a wonderful person and friend,” Carlie Hess, a senior from high school said. “I love her and would love to surprise her with a stupid and funny expensive gift.”
They were then asked what they would give their chosen person if they had around $300 to spend on them.
“I would probably buy her some shoes,” Ortiz said. “Because she has a pretty good shoe collection going on.”
Pelletier said that she would love to take her mom on a trip.
“I know that the $300 wouldn’t cover everything, but it would be great to get to explore somewhere new,” Pelletier said.
“I would give Maya a Subway Surfers hoverboard,” Hess said.
With all three having different and personalized gifts for their chosen person, it’s clear that they love and cherish them. Gift giving is about the thought and love for another person, and while the amount spent doesn’t matter, it’s nice to imagine for a moment that we could spend a little more to make them feel special.