Deserved Goodbyes


Here the two exchange students from Germany Anna Spiker and Jacob

Ginevra Amadei, Staff Writer

COVID19 has robbed so many people of very important moments in their life and has also taken a lot of lives, but let’s see what happened to some of our foreign students in this very difficult situation.

This virus has represented a problem in the entire world, but particularly has affected some of our exchange student’s countries.

In this kind of situation being an exchange student is very difficult, first of all you are scared and concerned about your country and your friends and family’s health, but at the same time you constantly live in doubt.

I’ve been told multiple times that it was probably necessary for me to go home since flights were going to close, or that my association was going to call me back home. I saw some of my friends leave America without even being able to say goodbye due to these reasons.

That is what happened to our two exchange students from Germany that at the beginning of April had to fly back home.

“I was shocked when they called me on Wednesday and told me that they booked a flight for me on Saturday, I couldn’t believe it. The worst part was when I realized that I couldn’t say goodbye to anyone. I never thought that my year would end like this,” sophomore Anna Spiker, exchange student from Germany, said.

The calls from the associations really could come in any second and you might not even have time to realize that you are going to leave behind an entire year of your life, without counting the fact that you are going have to pack so quickly.

“For me, it was really confusing, everything was all over the place, we had to sign so many papers ad get ready to leave in such a short time,” sophomore Jacob Schupp, foreign exchange student from Germany, said. “It was really difficult to accept the situation, and not be able to do everything I had planned.”

Another big problem is for the other students that had to stay here, we are in some way more lucky to respect Jacob and Anna but at the same time we are not taking this quarantine very well.

“Being close at home during the last part of my exchange year really drives me crazy, I just start to think to all the places I wanted to go and all the stuff I wanted to experience before I had to go back home,” sophomore Aurora Macia from Spain said.

“But also I’m glad I’m still here and not back to Spain, where the situation is worse than here, being quarantined there would be so much worse, at least here I have a backyard and a pool and I have the opportunity to keep myself busy.”

All us exchange students realize that, no matter how hard we try and how mad we are because we have been robbed from the best part of our best year, we can not really do anything about it. We have to accept the situation that everyone in the world is into right now.

I’m obviously disappointed about how my exchange year is coming to a conclusion as I am disappointed how my senior year as well is just ended. I would love to go to my Senior prom, wear my fantastic dress and walk at graduation and being recognized for my hard work, but this is not going to happen I accepted it, the thing that I just can’t accept is that I’m not going to be able to say the right goodbyes.

I didn’t know that that Friday, March 6 was the last day that I would go inside that school, that I would talk with Mr. Mould at the door or that I would forget for the last time to put my name on a Mrs. Baker paper, I wouldn’t know that that was the last time that I would be able to see most of my friends, and that’s what really broke my heart.

I’m for sure planning to come back here one day to say “hi” to everyone but we don’t know what life will reserve for us, a lot of people will be moved into college, other’s changed school, so it will not be the same. I just think that this amazing year deserves a fantastic goodbye, and I really wished things would be different to be able to do it.