May Festivies

Samantha Holguin

More stories from Samantha Holguin


Have you ever wondered what the fifth of May is and why it’s a great festive party? Well you’re about to find out, just keep reading. Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican-American holiday that a lot of people like to celebrate, but some people don’t know the meaning behind the traditions that come with this cultural holiday

Some people think that Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican independence day, well it’s actually not but that is not the case. It’s a day when we admire the Mexican army’s victory battle between the French forces. It happened in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

Enough about history, let’s skip to the fun instead of amazing fun parts of the holiday. Nowadays, families get together and put on some mariachi music and have a party, there are parades, and some do the Mexican folk dance. It’s one of the most enjoyable parties/parades people can go to. And honestly, the food is probably the best part. Right here in Arizona, there will be the annual Cinco de Mayo festival on May 6 from 12-10 pm.

So get those decorations and have a Cinco de Mayo party or go to a parade, because it’s something you won’t regret doing. Be safe and have a great Cinco de mayo.